In this post, you will learn about the advantages of Hard Mattress versus Soft Mattress and the disadvantages of Hard Mattress versus Soft Mattress. You will also learn about the Influence of Sleeping on a Hard and Soft Bed and the Benefits Of A Medium Firm Mattress, how to sleep better at night naturally.
If the human body is in contact with the mattress or pillow for too long, it will unavoidably compress the capillaries, as a result, blood circulation reduces causing discomfort to the human body in the compressed area. Therefore, a moderate choice of bedding, especially the softness of the mattress has great importance.
Sleeping Mattress Health details
Sleeping on a semi-hard mattress is most appropriate. In daily life, some people prefer to use a hard mattress, while others prefer to use a soft mattress. In fact, it is unreasonable to choose a mattress based solely on self-perception, especially for middle-aged and elderly people, a suitable mattress should be semi-hard, i.e, a highly elastic mattress. Because the human spine has a shallow "S" shape, it needs the support of proper hardness when lying down. Only on a high-elastic mattress can the human back be strongly supported, so that all parts of the body can relax and get a full rest. Therefore, a suitable mattress is essential for human comfort and good sleep quality.
The harms caused by mattress discomfort
The mattress is closely related to the lumbar spine (Commonly known as the lower back). The normal lumbar spine is lordotic curvature, if the mattress cannot fit the lumbar spine, it will cause the lumbar curvature to cause slight pain.
If a fat person sleeps on a soft bed, it will cause scoliosis (sideways curvature of the spine) due to the inability to support the weight. Similarly, if a thin person sleeping on a rigid bed will also be too tight because of the lumbar spine of the lordosis, because of muscles and ligaments to be too tight causing backache pain.
Poor sleeping posture and bedding not only make people uneasy to sleep but also affect the mood and spirit of the next day, and wrong sleeping posture increases the burden on the head and neck and waist muscles. Therefore, it is especially important to choose a suitable Sleeping posture.
Healthy Tips For those who are lighter in weight and heavier in weight
For lighter in weight people: A softer mattress can make the shoulders and hips fall into the mattress a little, and the waist is fully supported.
For heavier in weight people: It is suitable for a harder mattress. Because the strength of the spring can be in contact with every part of the body, especially the neck and waist can be well supported.
Sleeping Health tips for patients with lumbar disc herniation
A herniated disk occurs when a portion of the nucleus pushes through a crack in the annulus. Follow these steps for sleep tips for lumbar disc herniation patients.
1. Choose a Firm bed/hard bed when lying in bed.
2. When the patient is lying on his back then he/she should add a thin pad to the waist to keep the knee and hip flexed and relax the muscles. In the prone position, the mattress should be flat to avoid excessive back extension of the waist.
3. Strictly adhere to bed rest. Even if you wear lumbar support to get out of bed after a period of relief of symptoms, you cannot do any bending down. If the patient cannot stay in bed because of troublesome, it will affect the efficacy.
4. Avoid largely and urinating in bed, because large and urinating in the supine posture will make the waist excessively flexed, and the lumbar disc is more prone to kyphosis (spinal disorder results in an abnormal rounding of the upper back). The patient can abduct or be helped to go to the toilet by someone.
Tips on How to Sleep Better: Spine twisting yoga
1. Sit on a mat, legs together and straight forward, feet close together. The arms are straight on the side of the body, with both hands lying flat on the ground, and the eyes looking straight ahead.
2. Keep your legs together and straighten, turn your upper body slightly to the left, put your right hand over both legs and put it in your left hand, both fingertips point to the back of your body, and your eyes look at your left hand.
3. The two-handed posture remains the same, flexing the right knee, placing the right foot on the outside of the left knee, the right foot is on the outside of the left leg knee, the heel is against the right hand lying on the ground, and the eyes are looking at the right hand.
4. Inhale, turn your head to the right rear, twist the spine, and look at the right rear. Do not exhale gas, keep this position for 3 to 6 seconds. Exhale and turn the torso back to its original position, which is a complete twist. Twist 3-6 times on each side.
Final Health Tips: how to sleep better at night naturally
Some people think that high pillows are good, in fact, a large number of clinical cases prove that too high pillows will damage the spine. Using a high pillow will raise the cervical spine undoubtedly. As a result, the cervical spine, thoracic spine, and lumbar spine cannot be in a straight line, resulting in muscles in various parts not relax and not get enough rest. The most favorable height of the pillow should be slightly higher when lying down.
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